Atlanta Piano Tuning
Piano Tuning is one of the most important maintenance aspects that you are responsible for as a piano owner. It is a very important aspect of piano maintenance. However, a lot of piano owners fail to understand how important tuning a piano is. It goes beyond making the piano sound nice when you play it. Piano tuning will in fact make the instrument last longer than normal. Piano Tuning will help equalize the combined strong tension against the frame and soundboard of the instrument. Pianos go out of tune when the strings move and stretch with use. Also, a badly tuned piano will make your music sound horrible which is bad for your musical development. At Piano Movers Atlanta, we provide the best piano tuning service that you will find around. This is because we have a team of well trained and experienced piano tuners who have spent years understanding the anatomy of the piano. They know what to do to get the best results possible. Give us a call today to find out more about our tuning services. Here are some factors that make your piano go out of tune.
Environmental Factors This is the major reason why pianos go out of tune. Pianos are made primarily of wood. Wood is a very porous material. This means that it will contract and expend based how humid the environment is. The higher the humidity of the environment, the more the soundboard expands. The expansion of the soundboard will stretch the piano strings to a higher pitch. With low humidity, the tension on the strings will be lowered and cause the piano to reduce in pitch. Your piano should be tuned at least once every year. Moving The Piano Piano moving will cause your instrument to go out of tune. This is something that cannot be avoided. A rule of the thumb is that you should never tune a piano before it is time for it to be moved. The reason is that it will need another tuning after it is been moved. There are two reasons why you should tune the piano after moving. The environment factors come into play here especially if the new place is very different from where it was coming from. Room to room changes also count in this respect. Moving a piano will cause the piano to twist and bend slightly which will impact the string tension. Pianos were not built to be moved. There is a reason why they are so heavy. Over-Playing The Piano This factor is not as popular as the two other reasons. It is very difficult to notice this, particularly if the piano is yours. Constant playing will make the instrument more sensitive to humidity changes that will eventually knock it out of tune. With public pianos, it is very easy to detect when the instrument is detuned this way. |